Thursday, August 23, 2012

Introductions are in order

I figured since this is my first ever blog entry I should introduce you to my life. 

I am a twice married mother of five who loves to read romances, eating out and rotting in front of the TV/computer watching Korean TV dramas. My friend / co-worker suggested I do a blog on reviews of restaurants and foods. 

My everyday life consists of sitting in my office running around on the web looking for things to entertain my mind while I kill time before I leave work to either go to community college or home to my family. 

I am a princess at 34 because I refuse to do anything active at my house or anywhere else. I sit on the couch until my husband cooks while my children clean. I do become a master chef when the urge hits me along with master pho chef every Sunday since that is ultimately my husbands favorite thing in the world besides the family. "Pho Sunday" is Facebook famous because of our traditions. 

I am a genius in my own mind hence why everything revolves around me so you are actually living in my world, but my powers are limited because there are too many people physically around me. Besides, if my road rage collides with my godly powers, I think there would be no people in the world because there's always something about someone else's driving that pisses you off, isn't there? 

I can't let you know too much about me because there is always a government official trying to figure me out so I'll leave it at that. Enjoy my opinions but remember, they are only opinions. 

Bay Nan