Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Back to School. again.

It's September, the time that school is back in for the kids, but not only the kids but me too. 

I returned back to school in 2008 going on and off as the money would allow me to.
This past summer I was enrolled but financial aid held the money as I reached 150%. For those who don't know what that means, it means I have used 150% of financial aid allowed and they suspended it asking why has it taken me so long to graduate. Well as you see, because I was so indecisive I changed my major 3 times since returning adding more prerequisites to my plan which was very stupid of me since I ended up majoring in what I originally chose back in 1996. Stupid, yes I know.

So here I am, a 30+ woman, mother of 5, going back to school Autumn quarter walking around with all the kids that are half my age. Embarrassed? No. In fact, a little too outspoken at times. I'm at that age in my life where I'm less shy and a little more in the "I'm too old to care" where maybe I shouldn't say everything that pops in my head. As my friend once put it, diarrhea of the mouth. Shit just flies out of my mouth. But in more cases than one it has help me get to know the other students in my class and allow us to collaborate notes and help. I've even been allowed to borrow books of classes fellow classmate have had and saved me tons of money. Also letting the noobs in on a secret of college, rent  your books if you'll never refer to them again in life. (www.chegg.com)

I've been around too long and am too comfortable going to school but for some reason, the summer break was way too long this time around. I fell into my lazy mode. Laying around watching Korean subtitled dramas and eating out constantly. Without a care in the world playing games on Facebook just to kill time at work. AMAZING how times are slow when your doing nothing but it is absolutely relaxing when you have NO DEADLINES.

 Now, there are deadlines and I tend to screw myself over by not doing my reading, assignments, homework or practice exercises. Why? I'm a natural procrastinator. I work best right before its due... sometimes. But I screw myself over because I don't have enough time and get too far into unimportant things. Second week in the semester and do you believe I have yet to open a book!! Bad student.. yes I am. But for myself and my family I must finish. Graduate an associates program after over 10 yrs in community college. What should have taken me 2 yrs has grown over my children's childhood. For as long as they can remember, Mommy has been in school just as long as they have. 

I wrote this oh too long blog to help motivate myself to open a text and at least write the notes over last class's lecture. Will I? One day, it may not be today, but one day. I will write notes, do my homework and my exercises. But today doesn't seem to be the day.  Computer science, the forever changing field of my choice, my death sentence, for yes I do pass my classes but do I understand the stuff I read? More than likely, no. Scary, but lucky for everyone in need of a computer tech, I won't be the one. I'm just doing this to graduate and tell my children, YES MOMMY GRADUATED COLLEGE.. one day. Until that day, I continue on my way to my full time job that pays for the bills and extra curricular activities of the family.

*sigh*  Vacation?!?!  YES PLEASE!!!

- 16+year student... and counting. Bay Nan

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