Wednesday, September 5, 2012

My Parents are cRaZy!!! And everyone wonders where I get it from.

My parents are literally crazy. Not psycho crazy but old and not in their right mind crazy.

Why do you ask? Well I could remember a time where I decided to move home with my husband to save some money. My mom loved the idea, having the whole family together and we did too trying to save money since an apartment to fit all of us would be just under a mortgage payment. The thing about my mom is she doesn't like paying her bills. Randomly she would come to me and say, "hey, do you have any money?" Well being the smart daughter I am, I would say NO. Being the smart mom that SHE is, she then hands me a bill. Not just any bill, but one that is either yellow or pink. For those of you who stay timely with paying your bills you may not know what these mean. They are usually disconnection notices. This is my mother's thinking: " I don't understand why they are cutting off my utilities. I sent them $50."  * pulling my hair *  "But mom, the bill was $550. You can't just pay them what you want."  *blank look and her oh-so-simple response*  "Why not?" *my blank look (O_O) *  "oh geez mom. I'll pay it..." and that was the end to my savings.

 The thing about my mother is if you give her an inch, she literally takes a mile. Make that a few miles. Another moment was a few years ago. It was near Christmas and I forgot to pay my mortgage. Juggling Christmas gifts with bills was crazy for me that year. (Out of my mind I didn't pay my mortgage and used it for gifts totally forgetting and wondering where did all this extra money come from!) I remember telling my mom I forgot and how I was trying to reorganize my bills so I could pay it. She calmly responds, "Oh, I haven't paid mine either." So normally I figured it was for THAT month. A few months later, around March I realized I was wrong. My mom asked me to call her mortgage company to see what she needed to do regarding her mortgage payment. Me, thinking like a normal person figured she hadn't paid that month and needed to make a payment arrangement. After talking to the CSR, they said she hand't paid since April. Well, how can that be if its only March. "I'm sorry ma'am. She hasn't paid since LAST APRIL."  * stunned (o.O) *  WTH!?! "ummm... I'll call you back.  -- MOM! Why didn't you pay your house payment?!?!" "I didn't want to. I wanted to keep the money."  "DAD! Did you know?" My oh so cool dad playing it off like he didn't know....(I think it was his idea!) "Oh. No. I didn't know. Your mom is crazy. She has like $15k saved up. I think we're going to buy a new semi-truck. What do you think?"  I hope your planning on living in it since your not going to have a house any more.

Well, my parents have the weirdest luck. They didn't pay their mortgage for a year, short sell it, and the bank GIVES them $10k and "forgives" them for the remainder of the mortgage. *sigh*  The utilities get so out of hand they put them on a PIP or what not program where they only have to pay $56/month for both utilities. Yet, I'm working everyday, paying my bills on time and I'm broke trying to keep up. WTH?!?! 

My parents are crazy, but somehow they have outsmarted the world, Me included.

-Future "denial of reality" patient - Bay Nan

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